Our Impact
The ministry of OneLife Africa has touched 185 bright but needy students thus far. Not only have these students been financially provided the opportunity to continue their education, but they have also been discipled by Christian mentors to build their faith and identity as followers of Jesus Christ. Because of the impact OneLife Africa has had, these students are now going onto universities and leading their prospective communities in long-lasting change for the nation of Kenya.
In the words of one of our graduates, Flora Savai:
"My graduation day has arrived and my joy is overwhelming! Ten years ago I would see people in their graduation attires and all I could do was dream that some day that could be me. However God my Father had mercy on me and showed me the cross. This cross came not only with forgiveness and salvation but with hope to affirm my dream of obtaining education to the highest level, a kind only affordable to the other class of society in which I did not belong.
"By the end of my four years in high school, I had a sense of meaning and purpose. This pushed me to pursue exactly what God created me to do, balanced with my hopes to bring myself and my family out of poverty. God began pointing out the things that make my heart ache, and showing me what makes my heart smile. I hated to see children suffering and how women were abused in society, realities such as child abuse, rape, domestic violence, child trafficking, and discrimination against women especially of lower class. For this reason, law was one of the courses I had applied to study after high school and I was devastated to miss the required points. I was instead “matched” to study Library & Information Science, something for which I had no interest or passion. But I had no choice and so I began the admission process all while throwing many questions at God.

"And then a miracle happened. One evening as I walked home with friends from our worship practice, I was stopped by Andrew’s brother Douglas who explained about OneLife Africa and the possibility to be sponsored to study what I really wanted. I felt like God had physically landed on earth to answer my prayer. He alone could turn events in that manner.
"As a scholar of OneLife Africa, I joined the University of Nairobi in September 2011 to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in law. I was able to pay for tuition and board through the help of generous people in OneLife Africa who selflessly gave towards not only my support but that of the entire OLA family in Kenya. I am eternally grateful, God bless your souls. God has seen me through the highs and lows of all the past four years. Graduating among the top students is one thing I cannot take for granted. God enabled me to work hard, and He has blessed the work of my hands.
"Before I can be admitted as an advocate of the High Court of Kenya, I have to complete one year at the Kenya School of Law beginning January 2016, followed by 6 months of pupilage at a law firm or government organization. I still hope to be a human rights lawyer, focusing on women and children. Rather than work for a law firm waiting for a human rights case, I want to be on the front line, preferably working with an organization that addresses these violations and comes up with solutions, sensitization and precautions. I want to see children protected and acquiring education while women are stepping up in their God given abilities to positively impact the world for the glory of God. Though I’m not exactly sure how the next steps will take shape, I am trusting God to guide my path, just like I did back in 2011.
"To Andrew and Stephanie, I lack words to appreciate your support in all ways, you have been parents to me through the four years. God bless you and enlarge your territories. To the entire OneLife Africa team supporting us, Bridge ministries, Hallelujah Toffee team and volunteers, and everyone who prays for and who donates towards OLA, I cannot thank you enough for your selfless sacrifice. May God Almighty make His face shine upon you and keep sustaining you forever. To the OLA students, thank you for allowing me to be a mentor to you in the best way I know how. Meanwhile, I am graduating! A dream come true.
"Surely the Lord lifts the poor from the dust, and sits them with kings. I am reminded of Kenyan actress Lupita Nyong’o’s words: “No matter where you come from, your dreams are valid.”